Remember playing on your driveway with your old cotton jump ropes and a group of your best friends? Those simple times got us outside, kept us active, and have now become cherished memories.
With a jump rope and bit of rhythm, it's time for you to share the fun of jump rope games with your kids - no matter their age! Even adults can have fun with this simple pleasure. Despite their simplicity, these games are packed with fun and provide an excellent workout. They improve coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health, making them a perfect blend of play and exercise. Here's what you need to get started.
What You Will Need:
- Jump Rope
- Flat Surface
- Silly and Fun Rhyme (see below)
What You Do:
- Single Rope Jumping - This is the most straightforward form of jumping rope. One person jumps alone, and can be creative with various moves such as high knees, crisscross, or even double-unders.
Double-Dutch Jumping - Double-Dutch involves two long ropes that turn in opposite directions. This version of jump rope is more challenging - and more dynamic. Two turners swing the ropes while one or more players jump in and out without touching the ropes. The jumpers are free to perform their best moves and tricks while jumping (this is where creativity makes jumping fun).
TIP: If you only have two players, tie one end of your jump rope to a tree or playground post.
VARIATION: See how many people can jump at one time! The more people you have jumping at once, the harder (and more fun) it is.
Jump Rope Rhymes
One of the most delightful aspects of jump rope games is the accompanying rhymes. These catchy verses set the rhythm and add a storytelling element to the activity. Here are a few classic jump rope games that have stood the test of time.
A popular rhyming game where the jumper skips to the chant. Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Cinderella, dressed in yellow,
Went upstairs to kiss a 'fella.
Made a mistake
and kissed a snake,
How many doctors will it take?
1, 2, 3, 4...
Everyone counts until someone makes a mistake on jumping.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Another beloved rhyme:
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do!
Apartment for Rent
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Apartment for rent, inquire within,
When (name of person jumping) moves out, let (name of next person to jump) jump in.
The next jumper in line jumps when their name is called, while the current jumper jumps out.
Benjamin Franklin
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Benjamin Franklin went to France
To teach the ladies how to dance.
First the heel, and then the toe,
Spin around and out you go.
The jumper acts out the motions mentioned in the chant while jumping.
Blue Bells
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope gently from side to side (without bringing the rope completely around), and say:
Blue bells, cockle shells
Easy ivy over
Swing the rope all the way over the jumpers head on the word "over".
Chocolate Bears
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Chocolate bears and gingerbread cats,
All dressed up in whipped-cream hats.
Danced in the garden under the moon,
Beat sweet rhythms with a wooden spoon,
Whirling, turning, jumping to the beat,
Melting down to their ice cream feet.
When the baker ran to see,
They ran beneath the gum-gum tree,
Running in between the rows,
Tripping over ice cream toes.
There were 1, 2, 3...
Jump to the beat, whirl and twirl, and alternate players until someone misses.
Coffee and Tea
(minimum of 4 players)
With two people swinging the rope from side to side, say:
I like coffee, I like tea.
I like (name of next person in line) to come in with me.
Now both the original person and the newest person jump together.
Continue the rhyme to add more people, or when the third person joins, the first person jumps out.
Down By The Sea
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Down by the river, down by the sea.
Johnny broke a bottle and blamed it on me.
I told Ma, Ma told Pa,
Johnny got a spanking so ha ha ha.
How many spankings did Johnny get?
1, 2, 3...
Everyone counts until someone makes a mistake jumping.
Down in the Valley
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Down in the valley where the green grass grows,
There sat (name of person jumping) pretty as a rose.
Up came (name of boy) and kissed her on the cheek,
How many kisses did she get this week?
Everyone counts until someone makes a mistake jumping.
Early in the Morning
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Early in the morning, about eight o'clock,
What should I hear but the postman's knock.
Up jumps (name of person jumping) to open the door,
How many letters did she find on the floor?
A, B, C, D...
Jump Red Hot Peppers (really really fast) while everyone says the letters of the alphabet until someone makes a mistake jumping.
A Horse, a Flea
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
A horse, a flea, and three blind mice,
Sat on a curbstone shooting dice.
The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea,
The flea said "Whoops, there's a horse on me."
Gypsy, Gypsy
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side or all the way around, and say:
Gypsy, gypsy
Please tell me.
What's my sweetheart going to be:
Doctor, Lawyer, Banker, Thief,
Sailor, Soldier, Indian Chief?
Repeat rhyme until the jumper misses.
Mabel, Mabel
(minimum of 3 players)
Swing the rope from side to side and say:
Mabel, Mabel, neat and able.
Mabel, Mabel, set the table.
And don't forget the
Red Hot Peppers!
Swing the rope all the way around as fast as you can when you say "Red Hot Peppers". Continue until the jumper makes a mistake.
The Social Aspect
Jump rope games are inherently social. They encourage cooperation and communication as kids take turns, learn from each other, and sometimes even choreograph routines together. These games foster a sense of community and teamwork, essential skills that go beyond the playground.
Bringing Jump Rope Back
Incorporating jump rope games into today's playtime can be a wonderful way to balance screen time with physical activity. Parents and educators can encourage children to learn these games, perhaps even sharing their own childhood favorites. Not only do these activities promote physical health, but they also connect generations through shared experiences and timeless fun.
In a world that's constantly changing, the enduring appeal of jump rope games reminds us that the simplest pleasures are often the most memorable. So, grab a rope, find a rhythm, and jump into the joy of these classic playground pastimes.
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